Major Project References
Arctic LNG 2 Project
As part of the Arctic LNG 2 Project, it is planned to construct the PLANT – a fixed nearshore terminal for the production, storage and offloading of liquefied natural gas (LNG) and stabilized gas condensate (SGC). Each of the three trains will be supported on a gravity-based structure (GBS) and located within a sea port to harbour the PLANT and facilitate the offloading of the LNG and SGC ...
As part of the West Qurna 1 Major Projects, the WQI Produced Water 2 (PW2) Project will provide the facilities with design capacity to treat the produced water and provide 210 kbwpd of outlet stream treated produced water in order to meet the forecast of produced water across West Qurna 1 Degassing Stations 6, 7 and 8.

EPC for Well Pads Expansion and Hook-Up of Historical Wells at the West Qurna (Phase 2) Contract Area
Lukoil Mid-East Limited (COMPANY) is planning to develop its upstream production facilities and infrastructure to meet a target of 800 КBOPD of production in the West Qurna-2 oil field in Southern Iraq.

Trans Anatolian Natural Gas Pipeline Project (LOT1, LOT2, LOT3, LOT4, Compressor and Metering Stations)
The TANAP Natural Gas Pipeline Project covers high-pressurized pipeline and associated structures for transmission of natural gas 31 billion m³/y, scheduled for supply from Azerbaijan to Turkey and Europe for 50 years.
TurkStream gas pipeline is 142 km in length, with a diameter of 48 inches. The modern Telecommunication system along the pipeline is provided via a Fiber Optic Cable System running parallel to the Pipeline, with a back-up system to ensure an uninterrupted transmission of SCADA signals. The SCADA system monitor and control the 5(five) mainline block ...

Tuz Golu Underground Gas Storage Project-2
Tuz Gölü Underground Storage Facility Expansion Project, working gas capacity of the existing storage plant will be increased to 5.2 billion Nm3 with the help of new 40 caverns. 6 of 40 new caverns will be leached by SF 1 (existing plant). For leaching of 34 caverns a new plant will be built Surface Facility 2 (SF2), consisting of leaching and gas facilities located, a fresh water ...

Saros FSRU Terminal and Natural Gas Pipeline Project
Kortek is selected to supply the material supply, site installation and commissioning works within the scope of Saros FSRU Terminal and Natural Gas Pipeline Project.

In 2017, ENKA in consortium with Siemens signed the contract for the construction of the fast-track project of Tripoli West 671 MW Simple Cycle Power Plant in Libya.