
Arctic LNG 2 Project


As part of the Arctic LNG 2 Project, it is planned to construct the PLANT – a fixed nearshore terminal for the production, storage and offloading of liquefied natural gas (LNG) and stabilized gas condensate (SGC). Each of the three trains will be supported on a gravity-based structure (GBS) and located within a sea port to harbour the PLANT and facilitate the offloading of the LNG and SGC ...

EPC for Well Pads Expansion and Hook-Up of Historical Wells at the West Qurna (Phase 2) Contract Area


Lukoil Mid-East Limited (COMPANY) is planning to develop its upstream production facilities and infrastructure to meet a target of 800 КBOPD of production in the West Qurna-2 oil field in Southern Iraq.

Trans Anatolian Natural Gas Pipeline Project (LOT1, LOT2, LOT3, LOT4, Compressor and Metering Stations)


The TANAP Natural Gas Pipeline Project covers high-pressurized pipeline and associated structures for transmission of natural gas 31 billion m³/y, scheduled for supply from Azerbaijan to Turkey and Europe for 50 years.



TurkStream gas pipeline is 142 km in length, with a diameter of 48 inches. The modern Telecommunication system along the pipeline is provided via a Fiber Optic Cable System running parallel to the Pipeline, with a back-up system to ensure an uninterrupted transmission of SCADA signals. The SCADA system monitor and control the 5(five) mainline block ...

Tuz Golu Underground Gas Storage Project-2


Tuz Gölü Underground Storage Facility Expansion Project, working gas capacity of the existing storage plant will be increased to 5.2 billion Nm3 with the help of new 40 caverns. 6 of 40 new caverns will be leached by SF 1 (existing plant). For leaching of 34 caverns a new plant will be built Surface Facility 2 (SF2), consisting of leaching and gas facilities located, a fresh water ...

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